Lisa M. McLaren

When it comes to dedication, energy, and drive, the apple doesn’t fall very far from the tree in the McLaren family. Daughter Lisa was born in Worcester and raised in Millbury, MA. Her earliest memories are of family, building a snowman with Dad, apple-picking with her maternal grandmother, going to the carnival. “Family and friends – they’re still the ones who make me laugh.”

Lisa is pursuing a career in health and medicine, and has carried her love of family and close relationships into her work environments. At McLaren & Associates, her responsibilities and duties include bookkeeping for the company and clients, bill payment, payment processing, preparation of billing, filing, bank transactions, keeping track of workflow updates, collections, and other record keeping. “I love the atmosphere here. It’s a family feeling. Clients attend family parties, they feel that close! I never feel reluctant to get to work. We all try to be as communicative and open as possible – it’s a very positive environment.”

Lisa’s commitment to serving others extends beyond the McLaren & Associates offices:  she’s worked as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) for several years while earning her bachelor’s degree in Pre-Medical and Health Studies from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Boston, with a concentration in Health Psychology. “I feel that this job at McLaren & Associates plays a supplementary role in helping me to become a better healthcare provider. Healthcare is ultimately a business, and I didn’t realize that until I was halfway through college. I now feel I can develop a more in-depth understanding of the healthcare field from observing my father and his clients, and how they run their own businesses.”

When she’s not at the office Lisa directs her considerable energy into kickboxing and Krav Maga, a self-defense system developed by the Israel Defense forces (“I’ve got a yellow belt!”) and the sea – Old Orchard Beach in Maine often beckons.

Guilty pleasure? “Reality TV – it’s awful, but entertaining.”